Struggling with bills? You are not alone. Our social supermarket is typically 50 – 75% cheaper
Struggling with bills? You are not alone. Our social supermarket is typically 50 – 75% cheaper
To get support from Poole Waste Not Want Not, you will need to become a member. Membership is free to anyone living in the BCP Conurbation but criteria does apply. You must check your eligibility and then apply to get started to receive support. To apply, click here.
PWNWN supports low-income families by providing affordable food, budgeting skills, and social activities. We work in conjunction with other services to combat hunger and isolation. PWNWN supports low-income families by providing affordable food, budgeting skills, and social activities. We work in conjunction with other services to combat hunger and isolation.
You may be eligible for support if you meet 1 or more of the following criteria:
(Please note: while these are good indicators of whether you will be eligible for our support, we cannot guarantee we can help you based on this alone)
To become a member…
If you meet the crietria as stated above, then you may be eligable to become a member of Poole Waste Not Want Not. To become a member, you can apply online, by popping into our shop or by calling the team on 01202 402818.
We offer a variety of Drop-in sessions, these do not require booking and are open to any of our members. Members can also book a number of other sessions for help with food, clothing and equipment needed to live efficiently.
Bookable sessions