FREE Energy Support and Advice available every Monday

Energy advisers from Citizens Advice will be available at Poole Waste Not Want Not every week to offer guidance to families and individuals. These advisers will be present at the shop located on the High Street every Monday from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm, starting on May 13th. Alongside offering discounted food to assist low-income families, providing an opportunity to enhance personal skills, knowledge, and socialise, Poole Waste Not Want Not now extends its services to include advice sessions facilitated by Citizens Advice.

The charity experienced significant growth last year to meet the escalating demand, enabling members to access supermarket items at prices reduced between 50 and 75 percent. Ros Dignan, the project manager of Citizens Advice Dorset energy unit, expressed understanding of the prevailing uncertainties regarding energy bills and emphasised the team’s readiness to address queries, provide energy-saving tips, and elucidate the process of accessing additional support. Collaborating with Waste Not Want Not on a weekly basis, the initiative aims to ensure accessibility for families and local residents seeking assistance.

Erika Sloper, the charity’s project manager, conveyed enthusiasm about offering this complementary service to members. Recognising the mounting challenges faced by households in affording essentials, including the increasing cost of energy, Poole Waste Not Want Not takes pride in expanding its support beyond food provisions. This partnership underscores the commitment to cater to the holistic needs of members confronting financial difficulties. Erika further highlighted the value of partnering with Citizens Advice Energy Advisers, whose expertise promises invaluable support to the community members.


Energy Advice Every Monday