Read our PWNWN Annual Report January 2023 to 2024

Read our ‘Poole Waste Not Want Not’ Report January 2023 to 2024, please click here: 


2023 has been a challenging year for us all!

PWNWN’s been busier than ever, supporting over 600 households to eat well at a price they can afford, we’ve cooked 866 free meals, packed over 900 food parcels, delivered over 300, supported106 families with energy-saving equipment, handed out 97 Easter hampers,142 Christmas hampers, given over 300 free joints of meats, filled 100’s of bags with free food, given an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, filled 866 food bank crisis parcels, gave our homeless hot soup; held fun days, and free buffet lunch days. 96 children got new school uniforms, and ‘Mission Christmas Wave 105’ supported toys for our children; and of course, kept our shop stocked with fresh, meats, vegetables, chilled, and daily essentials to offer a real shop experience with a warm and welcoming atmosphere!

“A big thank you goes to Becky, Mark, and the team from B&Q Poole for our shop makeover”

We were included in the Poole Heritage Action Zone programme our successful grant offer went towards repairs to the shop front.

“This is more than a shop, it’s my safe place; if I need advice or just sit in the warmth, I can guarantee a friendly welcome”

We recognise the evolving dynamics and understand that the root cause of the challenges may extend beyond immediate food needs. By taking the time to listen, we can better understand the individuals’ circumstances and tailor, accordingly, building stronger support networks, if we are unable to help our partners can, Or vice versa.

(Citizens Advice, Acts435, Ridgewater Energy, BCP Council, Local Schools, Route To Roots, Community Action Network (CAN), Social Services, Poole Hospital Mental Health team, Salvation Army, and DWP our local job Centre). We upskill staff to enhance a more professional service and delegated daily tasks to our coordinator, freeing up vital hours for the manager to concentrate on higher-level strategic decision-making.

Our drivers have built lasting relationships with our local supermarkets, gaining extra tonnage. We’ve developed meaningful relationships with our business community; with comments of; “We’ve adopted you as our charity for 2024”

We’ve said goodbyes and welcomed new faces, we’ve had long days, early mornings, fun days, and stressful days, but can honestly say we’ve enjoyed every minute!

Would like to read more please click here for our ‘Poole Waste Not Want Not’ Report January 2023 to 2024: